Business connectivity requirements have evolved, necessitating the adoption of advanced networking technology to ensure internet optimization, business continuity, and secure branch office connectivity to the corporate network.
Secure connectivity to these branch or remote offices requires one common network across all sites to protect the corporate network and manage traffic load from the edge to the core. Organizations often utilize a MPLS options for connectivity. This complex network topology can be difficult to manage, and security often becomes an afterthought leaving the network edge open to attack.
NetXGATE SD-WAN Solutions with advanced routing capabilities and Stateful firewall, provides the ability for businesses to build a comprehensive, secure Software-Defined Network at a fraction of the cost , running traffic over a broadband and other WAN links such as LTE. It enables IT-Admin to provide simple and fast Secure VPN tunnelling, policy-based routing with granular control , and Dynamic Path selection based on real-time network conditions.
NetXGATE SD-WAN initiatives easy with these key features: